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Toenail Care
Thick Nails

一般足病護理被稱為足病學的基礎,涵蓋了對各種足部狀況的廣泛評估和管理。定期檢查和保養足部對於保持足部健康、改善外觀以及防止潛在問題的發展大有幫助。 FootWise 足病醫生將徹底評估您的足部狀況,並製定適合您的最佳管理計劃。我們還會跟進您,為您提供保持雙腳健康所需的指導和支持。

在 FootWise,我們提供以下管理選項:

  • 指甲生長不規則 

  • 玉米(硬和軟)和癒傷組織減少

  • 腳趾甲向內生長

  • 真菌性皮膚和指甲感染(癬和甲癬)

  • 爪狀和錘狀腳趾

  • 乾燥和破裂的腳後跟

  • 拇囊炎


  • 下肢循環評估 

  • 神經測試

  • 糖尿病篩查

  • 平衡評估

Ingrown nail

Ingrown Nail Surgery

Ingrown toenail describes the deeply curved nail at the sides of the toe, which creates a groove and often penetrates the skin on the side of the toe. If the ingrowing becomes long enough or traumatised from activity, an inflammation may occur which could lead to possible infection. Ingrown toenails are often recurring due to the reorientation of the nail matrix. Routine nail care by removing side growing nails can prevent inflammation from happening. When routine nail care cannot sufficiently prevent the frequency of inflammation, whether from sports activities or work factors, the ingrowing nail could be managed by a surgical removal of the offending section. The surgical procedure will help to prevent the side of the nail from growing back permanently by eradicating the matrix cells residing at the side edge of the nail.




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